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时间:2010-08-24 09:10:58  来源:  作者:

          Abstract: Objective To evaluate the effect of nitrous oxide (N2O) on the cuff pressure of ProSeal laryngeal mask airway (PLMA) in pediatric anesthesia. Methods 32 pediatic patients were enrolled in our study. PLMA cuffs were inflated with air (Group A) or 50%N2O/oxyen (Group N) to 20mmHg as initial pressure. The intracuff pressure was monitored during anesthesia with 50% N2O in oxygen. Results Intracuff pressure increased to 40.6±9.3 mmHg in Group A and slightly decreased in Group N. Deflation volume in Group A is more than that in Group N(4.4±2.3ml vs. 2.6±1.0ml; P<0.05). Two patients complained of sore throat in Group N, while nobody did in Group A. Conclusion Inflation of the cuff with air prior to administration of N2O results in high intracuff pressure. In contrast, inflation of the cuff with the gas mixture of 50%N2O/oxyen can maintain stable intracuff pressure.
Key words: ProSeal laryngeal mask airway; intracuff pressure; nitrous oxide; paediatric anesthesia 
       双腔喉罩(ProSeal laryngeal mask airway,PLMA)是经典喉罩的改良产品,具有更宽大的套囊,改善了对口咽部的密闭性,增加的食道引流管能更好预防反流误吸的发生,可用于较长时间手术。麻醉期间吸入的氧化亚氮(N2O)通过弥散作用进入喉罩套囊,可能导致套囊内压升高,引起咽喉部损伤、术后咽痛、舌下喉返神经损伤[1-3]、声带麻痹等并发症。本研究在小儿麻醉期间观察了吸入N2O对双腔喉罩套囊内压的影响及其预防措施。
         对象 择期手术小儿32例,均为ASAI-II级,近期无上呼吸道感染病史。体重小于5公斤以下、有明显胃食管反流征象、张口度小于1.5cm和术中采用俯卧位的小儿除外。 
       方法 根据向喉罩套囊内注入的气体种类随机分成两组,每组16例:空气组套囊内预注空气,氧化亚氮组预注50%N2O。患儿入室后,开放外周静脉,予心电监护,脉率血氧饱合度及无创血压监测。麻醉诱导:阿托品0.01mg/kg、咪唑安定0.05-0.1mg/kg、氯胺酮2mg/kg、丙泊酚2~3mg/kg、维库溴铵0.1mg/kg、芬太尼0.5~1μg/kg。麻醉维持:2%~3%七氟醚或1%~2%异氟醚和50%N2O/O2 混合吸入,丙泊酚3~5mg.kg-1.h-1和维库溴铵50~60μg.kg-1.h-1。按患儿体重选择适当大小喉罩,插入喉罩后向套囊内注入适量空气后进行手控呼吸,观察患儿胸廓活动,呼吸气二氧化碳波形满意及患儿口周有无明显漏气声后改用麻醉机进行正压通气。按手术需要摆好患儿体位后,抽出套囊内气体,再向套囊内缓慢注入按分组预充的气体(空气或N2O),使套囊内压至20mmHg。采用动脉压力换能器持续监测喉罩套囊内压,记录注气量(初始气量)。每隔5min记录套囊内压。术后抽出套囊内气体(终末气量)。待患儿自主呼吸好,未完全清醒时拔出喉罩。喉罩拔出后观察喉罩内是否残留血迹。术后随访年长病儿或询问家长有无咽痛症状[4]。

        统计学处理 数据以均数±标准差(_X ±s)表示,采用SPSS13.0统计软件分析。计量资料采用t检验和重复测量的方差分析,计数资料采用χ2检验。P <0.05为差异有统计学意义。

结 果 
        表1 两组病人基本资料(n=16X±s)   Tab1 Comparison of clinical data between two groups(n=16, _X±s)


Group A 

Group N










Female : male

11 : 5

9 : 7

LMA size (1.5 / 2 / 2.5 /3)

2 / 6 / 5 / 3

1 / 5/ 7 / 3

cuff volume(ml)









Sore throat



Blood detected on LMA



Tongue tip paralysis



Compared with initial cuff vloume: ﹡P<0.05; compared with group N: ΔP<0.05.


图1 氧化亚氮组和空气组喉罩套囊内压的变化(_X ±s,mmHg)Figure 1 Changes in intracuff pressure in the group A and group N ( _X±s)

         麻醉期间空气组喉罩套囊内压明显升高,在(55.6±18.0)min时达到高峰(35~56mmHg),持续(80±38.0)min后套囊内压力略有下降。其中9例套囊内压上升超过42mmHg(见图一)。氧化亚氮组喉罩套囊内压基本保持平稳,1.5~2h后略有下降,但仍能保持在正压通气下无明显漏气。吸入N2O 10min之后两组喉罩套囊内压均存在明显差异(P<0.05)。空气组套囊终末气量较初始气量有明显增加(P<0.05)。氧化亚氮组则无明显变化,两组间有明显差异(P<0.05)(见表1)。
讨 论 


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